Curious about plant evolutionary ecology?

Join the Emery Lab at the
University of Colorado Boulder

Life in the Emery Lab

We are a diverse and thoughtful group that is dedicated to rigorous and respectful science. We use the literature to motivate our questions and hypotheses, but rely on close observation, patience, and different perspectives to develop a deep understanding of the natural systems we study.

Our Values:

  • Every person is respected and safe in our lab.

  • We are motivated by curiosity, so any and all results and observations are interesting and important, and each person’s unique perspective is important.

  • The most important insights can be hidden in the details - so be patient, pay attention, and be open to all possibilities.

Every year our lab revisits and revises a Lab Expectations document that aims to describe our lab’s best practices for creating a collaborative, respectful, and responsible scientific team and healthy mentor-mentee relationships.

NEW: Opening for an Undergraduate Research Assistant

We are hiring a part-time research technician to help PhD candidate Alec Chiono with a research project investigating seed bank dynamics in an alpine plant species. More information and application instructions can be found here.

Assume Nothing · Test Everything
Enjoy the Unexpected

  • We welcome undergraduate students to get involved in our lab’s research! Interested students are encouraged to submit an Emery Lab Undergraduate Research Inquiry and we will contact you if a position becomes available.

  • Dr. Emery accepts students through the Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology at CU Boulder. The lab is currently full and we will not be considering new applications in fall 2024.

  • No postdoctoral research positions are currently open in the lab. Postdocs who have access to independent funding or are interested in co-writing a proposal with Dr. Emery are encouraged to contact her at least 6 months prior to a deadline.


Ready to Apply?

Contact us to learn more about how to join the lab.